This will be a multi-part series on how to make real improvements to protect your business with minimal time and financial investment. Even if you have already implemented protections, this series can provide you with some additional insight, so read on!
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Cut through the noise: How to actually secure your small or mid-sized business from threats with minimal investment (Introduction)
Cyber security. For most small or mid-sized business owners, it’s the topic of nightmares. You turn on the news or read online every day about another breach or hack that took down some large corporation making them spend millions or even billions to get back online. And while it rarely makes the news, over the past few years, small businesses have already become the prime target for new attacks for one primary reason: They are easy targets.
“On Average, small businesses spend less than $500 on cybersecurity per year.”
Small businesses have become prime targets for attackers because of the limited resources and typically no IT staff to protect them. These attackers can leverage even the most remedial tactics and leave virtually no digital fingerprints with no systems to track or alert on their activity. Most of the time, no one even knows they were there. And for these bad actors, from a risk perspective, that is the most favorable outcome.
However, despite this, this blog series is not about painting a picture of doom and gloom. Instead, this eight-part series will describe real-world actions you can take right now to reduce your risk and protect your employees and your customers.
Series outline
Real antivirus – It’s called Endpoint detection and response now
Protect your email – How to get people to stop spoofing you (and improve email deliverability)
Already have some of these in place?
Fantastic! In each of the posts in this series, we will give you insight into the next level to gain an even bigger advantage and increase your company’s security.
Breaking it down
This series is designed to let you approach this somewhat seemingly daunting adventure in bite-sized pieces, fully digest it and then take tangible steps to make your business more secure with minimal investment. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to security, these blog posts should give you a head start. Or, at the very least, a good idea of what is involved with making your business more secure.
How StrataNorth Can help.
If you are ready to transform your business’s security landscape and are looking for experts to guide you, StrataNorth has security consultants with decades of experience. We can help you reach security nirvana and give you a roadmap for success. Reach out for a no-cost, no-obligation chat with a security expert today.